
Showing posts from October, 2018
Double page feature article of the Vaccines   Title  The title of this article is bold and eye catching in order to grab the readers attention to the name of the band staring in the article. The purpose of this is also to familiarize the audience with the name of the band making them more famed and recognizable. Image On this double page spread, i would say that approximately 75% of the article is the faces of the band- the image. This not only is the first thing that the readers draw there eyes too but is the first thing they were imagine when hearing there name or music. This is why the image is so important as it promotes the artists and there indie style and demonstrates the high significance of the band as they cover the majority of the page. Especially in this image, two of the artists are holding there guitars emphasizing the sentimental value of their instruments. Not only this, it reiterates the idea that 'they are the biggest guitar band of 2011' as said