Deconstruction of Indie music magazine

Front cover
The colour of the front cover is very bold and striking, what catches the audience’s eye first is the concentration of yellow at the top of the cover as well as the bold title spelling out the artist’s name connoting the idea of joy and happiness, however the other colour which stands out is the colour red which conflicts with the colour yellow as it connotes danger and power. This could represent the behaviour of the artists demonstrating a rebellious attitude however bringing happiness to their audience with their music. 

As we can see the title of the band is in bold yellow writing in the centre of the page to so it is easily noticeable as well as stands out, this is also good selling point for other indie bands as the magazine advertises the artists on the front cover as well as other similar artists.  

However the previous front cover is a more modernised version of an Indie music magazine, it still presents traditional indie themes although Older magazine covers such as this cover of the vaccines typically looks more old fashioned as the picture is in black and white, this adds character and could perhaps suggest that the artists produce an older style of music.
These two front covers adopt common aspects, for example the image of the artists is a large proportion of the page, this grabs the readers attention as it will be the first thing they look at making them more noticeable.

Brand image is important on all of these magazine covers, the name of the magazine is clearly illustrated a the top of the page.

This front cover has the brand in bold in the top left corner, this is important as it is where the readers eye is drawn to, it reinforces the idea of brand image which is important as the magazine will be well respected. As we can see the artist is actually holding his instrument in this image. As well as this the image has been edited to appear as very washed out, this gives an extreme sense of indie to it expressing the artists style of music.

Content page

Along with the front cover, the content page is important as it injects more detail from the band such as, upcoming concert dates, news and events as well as adverts that has subscribed to the magazine and other artists that the magazine editors decide to feature. 


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