Lyric analysis

Tell me the truth now
Are you looking for fame or just playing the game
Like it’s cool now
Cause they’ll trip you up and then laugh as you fall on the way down

My interpretation on these lyrics is that the singer is angry at the audience, at the way success is achieved. 'cause they'll trip you up' This shows that he could perhaps be talking about music producers or even audience members. 

Even the title of the song suggests that they are talking about the failure of there career, telling a tale of feeling lost in themselves.

Is that you're worth the time when the money ain’t mine
Feel a fool now
Feel a fool now

The repetition of the line 'feel a fool now' emphasizes the shame the artist is putting on the audience, 

I really wanna know if there’s somewhere else I should go
And if the journey’s looking rough and you know It’s gonna leave you frozen

Cause I’ve tried a million times to make it work
And after all this time I’m not sure what I’m worth

The uncertainty grows stronger for the artists at the chorus. My interpretation of this chorus is it follows a narrative of an aspiring music artist expressing the risk at which one has to take in order to reach success within the music industry. This ties in with the fact that indie style music was hugely unaccepted when first introduced due to its unfamiliar independent elements. 


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