Andrew Goodwin's theory 

Andrew Goodwin states that there are 5 key aspects to a music video...
1) A relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, which illustrate, amplify or contradict the lyrics.

For example, 'The Sound' by the 1975 the majority of the lyrics and visuals closely relate to eachother especially the editing elements of it. The whole video revolves around the artists trapped within a cube as they play there music, the on screen titles then critics them by saying 'Is this a joke?' and 
' Do people really still make music like this?' 

These on screen titles relate to the onlookers acting as critics as it infers they are making these comments.

2) Thought beats- the relationship between music and visuals.
Goodwin identified that the visuals within a music video may be edited to the timing of the music in order to keep up with the pace and the lyrics of the song. As said, when editing an indie music video, for example in 'Greek Tragedy' the start of the song builds from a slow graceful tune into an up beat tempo, therefore the editing of the music video is made so that jump cuts occur when the drums begin to play in order to keep up with the pace of the music.

3) Genre-related style and iconography
This means that most artists have a repeated pattern of behavior, therefore have a recurring action in all their video's making there music more recognizable. The indie genre is full of lots of different artists with a unique style of performance. An example of iconography is Matt Healy from the 1975, his curly hair which is made obvious in his videos as he flicks his hair often and his dark eye makeup which is noticeable due to the majority of close up camera shots.

4) Creation of star image, to promote a recognizable brand image
As just said, Matt Healy creates his star image by wearing eye makeup, a distinct style of clothing and his curly hair. This will be applied to music video when planning.


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