The 1975 'The sound'

Media language
 The Sound is a studio performance / narrative based music video. 

 The very first shot is a zoomed out shot of the entire band, it then uses anchorage by displaying the title of the band straight after this shot to establish who they are for marketing purposes. An arc shot (tracking shot) is used at 00.13 seconds, moving around the protagonist. 

   Traditionally, the artists have their instruments alongside them as they express their music, however the set is different compared to other indie style music. As they play the song they are surrounded by a giant cube to signify they are trapped, this is clearly shown at 00.15 seconds when the artist walks up to the glass and holds the glass and hits his head against it, demonstrating he is trying to escape. As well as this it could perhaps suggest they are not accepted by society’s opinion on their style of music and could relate to the beginning of their career in music when they were heavily criticized.

At 00.35 seconds the artist reaches his hand out gesturing to be seen or to be helped. However towards the end of the video the table is turned when the critics are actually the ones inside the small cube, this connotes the fact that they are really the one's who are trapped as a result of being small minded.
As well as this, it is recognized that the singer uses a direct mode of address when performing as he stares directly into the camera when singing. This creates a relationship with the audience making the video more personal and intimate. Therefore when directing my music video, I will undertake this finding and apply it to my characters performance.

The sound is being made directly from the artists instruments in the video, it makes the audience appreciate the talent a lot more. As well as this the images relate closely to the lyrics of the song, for example the artists are trapped in a box as they express and play their music which could link to the lyrics ‘I've got a problem with your shoes and your tunes’ 
The sound is diegetic as the onlookers in the video can hear the music, they discuss among themselves there thoughts of the song. 

 The tempo of the song is very up-beat therefore the cuts have been made a lot faster to keep up with the pace of the music. Unlike The Kooks, this music video has a very vibrant effect to it, this interlinks with the song as it encourages the audience to feel good whilst watching it.#

The colours used in the video are pink and purple demonstrating a very vibrant feel, these technical aspects give the atmosphere and set a playful vibe and atmosphere.


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