
Double page feature article of the Vaccines   Title  The title of this article is bold and eye catching in order to grab the readers attention to the name of the band staring in the article. The purpose of this is also to familiarize the audience with the name of the band making them more famed and recognizable. Image On this double page spread, i would say that approximately 75% of the article is the faces of the band- the image. This not only is the first thing that the readers draw there eyes too but is the first thing they were imagine when hearing there name or music. This is why the image is so important as it promotes the artists and there indie style and demonstrates the high significance of the band as they cover the majority of the page. Especially in this image, two of the artists are holding there guitars emphasizing the sentimental value of their instruments. Not only this, it reiterates the idea that 'they are the biggest guitar band of 2011' as said
Deconstruction of Indie music magazine Front cover The colour of the front cover is very bold and striking, what catches the audience’s eye first is the concentration of yellow at the top of the cover as well as the bold title spelling out the artist’s name connoting the idea of joy and happiness, however the other colour which stands out is the colour red which conflicts with the colour yellow as it connotes danger and power. This could represent the behaviour of the artists demonstrating a rebellious attitude however bringing happiness to their audience with their music.  As we can see the title of the band is in bold yellow writing in the centre of the page to so it is easily noticeable as well as stands out, this is also good selling point for other indie bands as the magazine advertises the artists on the front cover as well as other similar artists.   However the previous front cover is a more modernised version of an Indie music magazine, it still presents t
Lyric analysis Tell me the truth now Are you looking for fame or just playing the game Like it’s cool now Cause they’ll trip you up and then laugh as you fall on the way down My interpretation on these lyrics is that the singer is angry at the audience, at the way success is achieved. 'cause they'll trip you up' This shows that he could perhaps be talking about music producers or even audience members.  Even the title of the song suggests that they are talking about the failure of there career, telling a tale of feeling lost in themselves. Is that you're worth the time when the money ain’t mine Feel a fool now Feel a fool now The repetition of the line 'feel a fool now' emphasizes the shame the artist is putting on the audience,  I really wanna know if there’s somewhere else I should go And if the journey’s looking rough and you know It’s gonna leave you frozen Cause I’ve tried a million times to make it work And after all this time I’m no
Way Down - Redfaces
Focus groups  After playing the track of my chosen song and a track of the same genre to a selection of my friends who are 17 years of age and are fans of the Indie genre, I asked them a series of question relating closely to the traditional themes of Indie pop style music 1) How did the music make you feel? The initial response I received from this was that the music itself gave an excitable feeling, the up beat tempo gave the listeners a sense of  urgency to have fun. 2)  What elements of the music video did you like? 'The energy from the artists made the video fun to watch'  This was agreed by the majority of the group. As well as this, by watching the artists use their instruments in the video made it more enjoyable as it was as if they were watching them live.  Going forward, my focus group will give me significant feedback throughout the filming and editing process, suggesting what is both positive and negative about it.
                                  Andrew Goodwin's theory  Andrew Goodwin states that there are 5 key aspects to a music video... 1) A relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, which illustrate, amplify or contradict the lyrics. For example, 'The Sound' by the 1975 the majority of the lyrics and visuals closely relate to eachother especially the editing elements of it. The whole video revolves around the artists trapped within a cube as they play there music, the on screen titles then critics them by saying 'Is this a joke?' and  ' Do people really still make music like this?'  These on screen titles relate to the onlookers acting as critics as it infers they are making these comments. 2) Thought beats- the relationship between music and visuals. Goodwin identified that the visuals within a music video may be edited to the timing of the music in order to keep up with the pace and the lyrics of the song. As said, when editi